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10 strangest and most unique trees on earth

Penulis : Creative People on Sunday 26 January 2014 | 18:41

In this world there are a lot of trees, but there are some trees of the most bizarre and unique. The following 10 strangest and most unique trees on earth.

10 strangest and most unique trees on earth

10 . Bottle tree (Bottle Tree)

Location: Namibia
Bottle tree in Namibia is one of the deadliest trees on Earth . Milky juice of the plant is very poisonous and last Bushmen used as a poison for arrowheads . Bottle tree was so named because of the shape of its trunk , moreover, the tree usually grows in the mountainous regions of the Namib Desert , which makes it a resemblance to a bottle just astounding . Flowers bottle trees were described as " beautiful ." Flowers are usually white or pink color , changing into a dark red color in the center.

9. Wawona Tree «Wawona»

Location: United States
Wawona Tree , Sequoia is the former , which grew in a grove of Mariposa (Mariposa Grove), in Yosemite National Park (Yosemite National Park), USA. After his fall, the tree was transformed into a tunnel. In the tree was cut passage in 1881 and since then it is a popular tourist attraction. Wawona Tree fell in 1969 due to the large mass of snow accumulated on top of it . It is estimated that this age is 2,300 years old redwoods .

8. baobab

Location: Madagascar
This magnificent trees , endemic to Madagascar , more than 1000 years . Baobab belongs to endangered species of trees. Many trees of this species reach more than 80 meters in height , and their trunks grow to 25 meters in girth . Swollen trunks of baobab trees are a source of water , supplying it in the dry season . Flowers are in bloom baobab just 24 hours . These flowers are depicted in Malagasy francs banknote 100 .

7. Bombaksy (Silk Cotton Trees) Ta Prohm (Ta Prohm)

Location: Cambodia
These trees are very hard to find, and there is only a certain place where they can be seen traveling through Southeast Asia . Trees are the most distinctive feature of the temple " Ta Prohm ". Bombaksov roots entwine the ancient temple , and the trees themselves grow to impressive heights. No less stunning Ficus - stranglers can also be found near the temple . The temple itself is included in the UNESCO list as one of their objects " a World Heritage Site ."

6. Hyperion (Hyperion)

Location: California, USA
Hyperion is the California Redwoods and the tallest tree in the world . Trees typically live about 1200-1800 years. Hyperion reaches 115.5 meters high and almost 9 meters in diameter. This means that Hyperion on 5 floors higher than the Statue of Liberty . According to estimates , about 95 % of all the redwoods were cut , and now the giant trees are protected as "vulnerable" .

5 . Peach palm (Pejibaye Palm)

Location: Costa Rica and Nicaragua
This tree is inherent in Central and South America, although it is home to Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Peach palm armed with rows of black spikes that are rings around the trunk from the roots to the tree tops . Typically, this palm grows to about 20 meters. Leaves reach 3 meters in length . Native Americans used to eat the fruit of this palm , after they strayed and this pudding was a big part of their diet . Fermented fruit of peach palm remains a popular delicacy , and to this day.

4 . Curve Forest neighborhood Gryfino (Gryfino)

Location: Poland
In western Poland , near the town of Gryfino can be found about 400 of these strange trees. It is believed that these trees were twisted by human intervention , although their purpose still remains a mystery. Some believe that they were intended for the manufacture of bent wood furniture , ribs for boat hulls or used in the manufacture of the yoke, plow , drag bulls. Whatever it was , the beginning of World War II forced to leave these trees , those who grew them and now they are a mystery.

3 . Sunland Baobab (Sunland)

Location: South Africa
Sunland Baobab is a tree that is near Modzhadzhiskluf (Modjadjiskloof), Limpopo Province , South Africa, which has been converted into a bar. Wood is a natural hollow , and in 1933 , it was opened a small bar that can accommodate 15-20 people. This is one of the most high baobabs in South Africa, and, obviously, the widest tree in the whole of Africa. Tree up to 4 meters in circumference and 20 meters in height. It is also one of the oldest trees in the world , as he more than 6000 years!

2 . Tree " Burmis » (Burmis)

Location: Canada
Tree " Burmis " is soft pine tree growing near the town of Alberta, Canada. Wood is unusual in that it died in the 1970s but still stands without any signs of decay. According to estimates , at the time of his death he was 600-750 years. The tree was demolished by the wind in 1998, but the locals have raised it back. Several years later, vandals broke one of the branches , and the locals came to the rescue again , securing the branch back. Tree " Burmis " is one of the most photographed trees in the world .

1. tree of Life

Location: Bahrain
This tree , height 9.75 meters, about 400 years. Wood unusual, so that is located in the desert and is only growing trees for miles around , except it does not have access to water. Mesquite root system goes deep into the earth . It is believed that in this way the wood is water, however, it still remains a mystery. If you look at a tree «Google Earth», you can see how it is remote . Wood is one of the major tourist attractions and is visited annually by 50,000 people . Locals believe that there was a Garden of Eden . Tree of Life is protected by UNESCO and is included in the list of " a World Heritage Site ."
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